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Picture Me...on a good day.




The tÅ· hafan staff will invite families to consider the option of the portrait and if they are keen to move forward with this then the hospice will give them a Hushland Portraits  - Picture Me portrait voucher. I will then be in email communication with the family to help them choose the best photo image and decide on what style of portrait they would like and if they would like any of the options such as a time-lapse video of the portrait and prints. If the family would like I am also available to meet with them in person at the hospice.







Sponsors - Donations.

These are individuals and companies who have donated a one off sum or have set up a regular sponsorship payment.


To become a sponsor or donator please email me directly to chat through a plan that will work for you.






Music Sales.

Sir Silence music sales.

As a musician I perform under the title of Sir Silence and I am as of this year donating all my future profits from album sales, both physical and digital, to the Picture Me project.


To buy my music and thereby contribute to the Picture Me fund please visit my band camp website:






We are launching a new album very soon called

Its Time She Said - please pop across to the Picture Me - Media page to find out more and see a video from the album.


The song in the video was inspired by time spent with patients from a hospice I volunteered at for a creative arts project.









Portrait Gifting.

When you commission a portrait from Hushland Portraits you will be given the option of making a £10+ donation on top of the sale price to go towards the Picture Me initiative.


This will be purely voluntary with no expectations and will be a one off invitation.



If you would like to know more or be involved in this project please contact me via the sites contact details below.



Thank you.












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ShedCode, whilst being a small company, is a socially responsible company and aims to donate some of it's annual profits to charity.

James Jefferies.


Please click on the link above to find out more about our amazing sponsor.

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Picture Me is an initiative that will be free of charge to all those families with children involved in the palliative care of a hospice. 

Please visit Picture Me - About to find out more of the background behind this initiative.



I have partnered with tÅ· hafan hospice in Sully, Cardiff to provide vouchers for the families that will entitle them to a free hand drawn portrait package.

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In order for this service to be free for the families then the funding has to come via other options and we invite you to consider if you are able to help in any of these areas.


movers and shakers

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